Markdown Syntax - Complete Tutorial

Markdown Syntax - Complete Tutorial


Complete Tutorial Of Markdown Syntax

Markdown is a method of writting and representing data in a beautiful way. It's widely used for creating documentation, README files, Blogs, and other types of content on the web. In this tutorial, we'll cover the basic syntax of Markdown in simple words.

1. Headings

To create headings, use hash symbols (#). Use hash as per your heading level.

Markdown Synatx Example

2. Text Formatting

Bold Text:

Surround the text with double asterisks or double underscores.

1**Bold Text**
2__Bold Text__    


Bold Text Bold Text

Italic Text:

Surround the text with single asterisks or single underscores.

1*Italic Text*
2_Italic Text_


Italic Text Italic Text

3. Lists

Unordered Lists: Use asterisks, plus signs, or hyphens.

1* Item 1
2+ Item 2
3- Item 3


  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

List with ordered elements: Use numbers for numbering element of list.

11. Item 1
22. Item 2
33. Item 3


  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. Item 3

Create links by enclosing the link text in square brackets and the URL in parentheses.

1[Gitesh Wagh](


Gitesh Wagh

5. Images

Insert images similarly to links, but with an exclamation mark in front.

1![Alt Text For Image](image.png)


1<img title="Markdown Synatx Example" alt="Markdown Synatx Example" src="/images/Image.png">


Markdown Synatx Example

6. Blockquotes

Use the greater-than symbol for blockquotes.

1> This is a blockquote.


This is a blockquote.

7. Code

Inline code is wrapped in backticks.

1```inline code``` 

Output -

1inline code

For code blocks, use three backticks (```), optionally followed by the programming language.    


1def example():
2print("Hello, Markdown!")

8. Horizontal Rules

Insert a horizontal rule with three hyphens, underscores, or asterisks.






9. Escaping Characters

To display special characters, use a backslash.

1\*Using Special Character\*

Output: *Using Special Character*

10. Tables

Create tables using pipes and hyphens.

1| Heading 1 | Heading 2 |
2| --------- | --------- |
3| Content 1 | Content 2 |

Output -

Heading 1 Heading 2
Content 1 Content 2
Markdown Synatx Example
  1. Hugo : World's Fastest Framework For Website Building 🔥
  2. Why Kdenlive Is The Best Free Video Editor?
  3. Why Coding Will Become The Most Valuable Skill In The Future?